2014 수능영어 10점올리기 신공 (다의어2)
게시글 주소: https://o.orbi.kr/0003855952
주요 다의어 정리 (BigJohn) 2.hwp
해석에서, 보기에서 틀리는 여러가지 이유 중 하나.
기존의 아는 의미로 단어를 해석함으로써, 치명적인 실수를 할 수 있어요.
1. 첨부자료(3페이지)를 출력한다.
2. 예문과 의미를 빠르게 주욱 보시고, 몰랐던 의미에 형광이나 색깔펜으로 표기한다.
3. 형광부분의 단어와 의미만 메모장에 적는다.
4. 짜투리 시간에 외운다.
5. 모두 버린다. 머리에 남긴다.
Satire serves to prod people into an awareness of truth, though rarely to any action on behalf of truth.
serve:1.봉사하다 2.복무하다 3.주문을 받다 4.음식을 제공하다 5.도움이 되다; 역할을 하다
Fracture or wear patterns on tools also indicate that a majority of ancient people were right-handed.
pattern:1.무늬, 모양 2.본보기 3.양식, 경향
“As strict as he was,”says Oprah, “he had some concerns about me making the best of my life,~.”
concern:1.관심 2.근심 3.관계 4.배려
Other scientists believe that people think and behave in certain ways because they are taught to do so.
way:1.길 2.방식; 수단 3.습관, 풍습
They complain it has no flavor and crumbles into little pieces when you bite it.
bite:1.물어뜯다 2.미끼를 물다 3.한 입;간단한 식사
The plane was parked in Lima, Peru’s capital city.
capital:1.수도 2.대문자 3.자본 4.주요한 5.사형감인
But, the most interesting part of his thesis is the idea that the first four minutes of contact can be crucial in determining how the rest of the interaction and perhaps how the whole relationship will go.
rest:1.휴식 2.정지 3.받침대 4.나머지
If you want to start new friendships, Zunin says, every time you meet someone in a social situation, give them your divided attention for four minutes.
meet:1.만나다 2.직면하다 3.충족시키다 4.갚다
as the rotating spiral pattern sweeps around the galaxy it compresses gas and dust, triggering the formation of bright young stars in its arms.
bright:1.빛나는; 밝은 2.똑똑한 3.선명한 4.명랑한 5.유망한
The age of criminal responsibility should be lowered, and sentences for young offenders should be more severe.
sentence:1.문장 2.판결 3.명언
The culture of sports that exists in many American high schools has a cost that can’t be measured in budget numbers.
culture:1.문화 2.교양 3.훈련 4.재배 5.배양균
cost:1.비용 2.가격 3.희생
When alternative choices are made, global income inequality may increase rather than decline.
decline:1.거절하다 2.기울다, 경사지다 3.하락하다 4.만년;최종단계
The Chinese Government is falling to respect all of this by perpetrating the harsh sociocultural repression toward thousands of innocent people.
respect:1.존경하다 2.존중하다 3.방해하지 않다 4.점; 고려
For instance, while the research on blueberries and brain function is very exciting, this work has so far been conducted only on animals.
conduct:1.행동하다 2.안내하다 3.지휘하다 4.수행하다
Banda Aceh, where the tsunami penetrated 8km inland at some points, killing an estimated 90 people, has two thirds of Padang’s population.
point:1.끝 2.점; 장소 3.핵심 4.점수 5.가리키다
In 1913, Niels Bohr proposed that the electrons in an atom be found in the different energy levels.
propose:1.제안하다 2.의도하다 3.청혼하다 4.추천하다
The water is then pulled up through all parts of the plants and evaporates from~
part:1.부분 2.(배우의)역 3.지방 4.부품 5.쪽, 편 6.분리하다 7.헤어지다
Pollen from a rose or an apple tree would not work
work:1.일하다 2.움직이다 3.효력이 있다 4.작품 5.직업,직장 6.업적
At the rear end is attached the string plate, into which the strings are fastened.
rear:1.뒤 2.궁둥이 3.후방의 4.기르다 5.세우다
If you trace, you’ll find that this imaginary line crosses a spot in the constellation Perseus, near Cassiopeia.
spot:1.장소, 지점 2.반점; 얼룩 3.오점, 흠 4.발견하다
There are four major forces acting on an aircraft; lift, weight, thrust, and drag.
force:1.힘 2.폭력 3.군사력 4.영향력 5.강요하다
This current cools dowroomn as it comes closer to the surface of the earth.
cool:1.식다 2.가라앉다 3.멋진 4.냉정한
Janggu is played with ‘Chae’, a kind of beating stick.
stick:1.찌르다 2. 내밀다 3.붙이다 4.고집하다 5.막대기 6.지팡이 7.북채
In some cases, the people are trying to win a competition.
case:1.경우 2.상자 3.사건;사례 4.판례;소송 5.환자
Now, try to touch your forehead to your locked knee and hold.
touch:1.촉감 2.만짐 3.약간 4.솜씨 5.가볍게 치다 6.접촉하다 7.감동시키다
The tendency toward duffusion is very strong even at room temperature because of the high molecular velocities associated with the thermal energy of the particles.
room:1.방; 실 2.장소 3.여유 4.수용력
The skene was the building directly behind the stage, and was usually decorated as a palace, temple, or other building, etc.
stage:1.무대 2.단계 3.계획하다 4.상연하다; 연출하다
Most maps show directions.
direction:1.방향; 방위 2.방면, 위치 3.지시, 사용법 4.감독, 연출
First, toss the ball with your left hand about three feet in the air.
hand:1.손 2.시계 바늘 3.소유 4.일손 5.필치 6.박수갈채 7.원조, 도움 8.건네주다
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엄준식 3
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몇정도 나옴? 실모 현장반 1등도 해봤는데 1 가능하려나
내가 못푸는 문학 문제가 나올리가 없음.
감사합니다 도움많이 되겠네요~!!